Íshina and Tajhe meet in the city of Hinaldh. They plan to travel together to Teitéir the next day.
Íshina: Vedá' "FROM:"aró "sun" jhurla. "hello" Good morning.
Tajhe: Daedh "also" vo. "PRO-VERB" Same to you.
Íshina: Jhor' "EQUIV:"en i "SELF" t' "and"Íshina. "Íshina" I am Íshina.
Jhor' "EQUIV:"o "(distant pronoun)"sa "1" t' "and"nö "it" "Q (ablaut)" ë "(no meaning)"? "Q (ablaut)" Who are you?
Tajhe: N' "OBJ:"ï "SELF" "Q (ablaut)" ë "(no meaning)"? "Q (ablaut)" Jhor' "EQUIV:"en i "SELF" t' "and"Tajhe. "Tajhe" Me? I am Tajhe.
Íshina: Ojo "Y/N" lo'mmav "live" e "(intimate pronoun)"sa' "1"ë "(no meaning)"? "Q (ablaut)" Do you live here?
Lo'mmav "live" en'i "SELF" ne "OBJ:" saea "here" ' "PREV"sa "1" Hinaldh. "Hinaldh" I live here, in Hinaldh.
Tajhe: Kr' "NEG:"vo. "PRO-VERB" Kor' "NOT-EQUIV:"en i "SELF" t' "and"diy "from"hinaldh. "Hinaldh" I do not. I am not from Hinaldh.
Íshina: Väe "WHERE:" "Q (ablaut)" lo'mmav "live" e "(intimate pronoun)"sa' "1"ë "(no meaning)"? "Q (ablaut)" Where do you live?
Tajhe: Lo'mmav "live" en'i "SELF" ne "OBJ:" Teitéir. "Teitéir" I live in Teitéir.
Kret' "but"alcáspi ev "travel" ne "OBJ:" Hinaldh, "Hinaldh" vep' "REASON:"epararev "sell"on. ":N" But I travel to Hinaldh to trade.
Íshina: Ojo "Y/N" jhor' "EQUIV:"e "(intimate pronoun)"sa "1" t' "and"iparari, "seller" alun "PREV"un "PHR" jhi? "yes" So you are a trader, are you?
Tajhe: Jhi "yes" vo. "PRO-VERB" Di'ay "FUT" domov "return" en'i, "SELF" vek' "WHEN:"nesh. "soon" Yes, I am. I will return home soon.
Íshina: Pas "PST" kr' "NEG:"keniriv "visit" en'i "SELF" ne "OBJ:" Teitéir, "Teitéir" vek' "WHEN:"korún. "never" I have never visited Teitéir.
Tajhe: Sholdäv "want" "Q (ablaut)"yi "SUBJUNC" e "(intimate pronoun)"sa "1" në "OBJ:" "Q (ablaut)" teiyad "together" mov "go" do "RE"në "OBJ:" "Q (ablaut)" Teitéir' "Teitéir"ë "(no meaning)"? "Q (ablaut)" Perhaps you would like to go to Teitéir together?
Íshina: Jhi "yes" sholdav "want" n' "OBJ:"o "it" e! "(no meaning)" Yes, I would like that!
Vëk "WHEN:" "Q (ablaut)" mov "go"eith "acq ring"im "PL"'ë "(no meaning)"? "Q (ablaut)" When do we go?
Tajhe: Chat' "let's"mov "go" vek' "WHEN:"edhún. "tomorrow" Let's go tomorrow.
Íshina: Vek'vel "until" edhún "tomorrow" chéjh. "may you enjoy" Until then, be well.
Tajhe: Daedh "also" vo. "PRO-VERB" Vel' "TOWARD:"Íshina "Íshina" jonae. "goodbye" Same to you. Goodbye, Íshina.
Íshina: Vel' "TOWARD:"Tajhe "Tajhe" jonae! "goodbye" Goodbye, Tajhe!