The original English poem was written by Daniel Bowman when he was in college. He posted it to the CONLANG-L mailing list in January 2010.
[0] Ne Dhamorath Apeijha 'sa Saran
[1] Cáspièv tamael seni.[2] Ven dhamorath apeijha 'sa saran k'
[3] Emaelîvni en̤i
[4] Ne sulá ramed.
[0] The Strange Ecstasy of Creation
[1] I set my pen to paper[2] And in the strange ecstasy of creation
[3] I write myself
[4] A broken record.
Parts of Speech Legend
- adj
- adjective
- mi
- modifier
- n
- noun
- poss
- possessive
- pro
- pro-form
- prsn
- person
- v
- verb
orthographic version |
morphemic breakdown |
IPA pronunciation |
part of speech |
translation |
Ne | Dhamorath | Apeijha | 'sa | Saran | |
ne | dhamorath | apeijha | alun- | -sa | saran |
nɛ | ðɑˈmoɹɑθ | ɑˈpeʒɑ | ɑˈlun | sɑ | ˈsɑɹɑn |
art | adj | n | mi | mi | n |
OBJ | strange | ecstasy | PREV | 1 | creation |
The Strange Ecstasy of Creation |
Cáspièv | tamael | seni. | |
cáspièv | tamael | s- | -ni |
ˈkɑspiʔɛv | tɑˈmel | s | ni |
v | n | poss | prsn |
explore | writing brush | POSS | (self) |
I set my pen to paper |
Rather than use a literal translation, I chose to describe the beginning of the creative process, as the pen (or writing brush, as is culturally appropriate) "explores" the page.
Ven | dhamorath | apeijha | 'sa | saran | k' | |
ven | dhamorath | apeijha | alun- | -sa | saran | ken |
vɛn | ðɑˈmoɹɑθ | ɑˈpeʒɑ | ɑˈlun | sɑ | ˈsɑɹɑn | kɛn |
adv | adj | n | mi | mi | n | adv |
within | strange | ecstasy | PREV | 1 | creation | (end-within) |
And in the strange ecstasy of creation |
Emaelîvni | en̤i | |
emaelîv | -ni | en̤i |
ɛˈmelɪv | ni | ɛnːˈi |
v | prsn | pro |
write | (self) | self |
I write myself |
Ne | sulá | ramed. |
ne | sulá | ramed |
nɛ | suˈlɑ | ˈɹɑmɛd |
art | adj | n |
OBJ | broken | record |
A broken record. |
alun- | mi. | PREV |
apeijha | n. | ecstasy |
cáspièv | v. | explore |
dhamorath | adj. | strange |
emaelîv | v. | write |
en̤i | pro. | self |
ken | adv. | (end-within) |
ne | art. | OBJ |
-ni | prsn. | (self) |
ramed | n. | record |
s- | poss. | POSS |
-sa | mi. | 1 |
saran | n. | creation |
sulá | adj. | broken |
tamael | n. | writing brush |
ven | adv. | within |