Pete Bleackley ran Relay 8 in May 2003, with the Khangaðyagon text "ikt mallsheuronrelguz," The Key of the Monastery.
Note: The Asha'ille text has not been updated yet to reflect the spelling reform that occurred after the relay.
[0] Ne Jénela Alunsa ne Gocreyal So'Chilocarn
[1] Ayana ne en'i jho cresón, t'ne geithesa jho chilocarn. [2] Keyanu ne rékretil. [3] Lo'mmavni eg melyáth enalnim vilo'ne gocreyal seith kilo. [4] Sireveith ne dogir golalen e'kath goldavni. [5] Vik'esni amulivleith ne kyar'ineji. [6] Vek'chuna kkamavteith eg domirvonith, [7] t'ves ashavni ssha cha'arevleni ne jénela ká'sshak. [8] Kret'pas tugeiv n'o vépelai'kre nimael bisae'ev képelai. [9] Adáshav geithsa ssha kr'sirevni n'o ká'sshak. [10] Énillevni cresón ineji ne gir'migrá, [11] t'vet peinájiveith chilocarn eg kemeth iyenejin ket. [12] Yanú.English
[0] The Key of the Monastery
[1] This is about a foreigner and a priest that s/he was acquainted with. [2] Once upon a time... [3] This foreigner of dubious morals lived near the priest's monasery. [4] The priest had great treasure, which the foreigner covetted. [5] S/he began working there as a fake guard. [6] One day, the foreigner stopped the priest as he returned [7] and said to him, "Give me the key." [8] But it had been hidden so that it would not be found. [9] He replied, "I don't have the key." [10] The foreigner guard was very angry, [11] so the priest escaped through a closed, hidden door. [12] The end.Ŝeraɬ
[0] Ðäŝ Roðers's ðär Haiñ's ðas Ŝlisel
[1] [2] Ainñol oið a Seiþ, [3] lesɬþ hosɬ an Eñeþser ðun ðzreñð Ñoralen noenþ ðäŝ Roðers's Haiñ. [4] Sie hosɬ gleisɬþ ðaŝ Roðers haslel ho a grois a Oïþser oz sie szelen. [5] Ðar Eñeþser onhoïþ as a Ŝoiñer geareten. [6] Eins Þog, sɬaẑ ðer Haiñ, oxŝþelþ sie ðiŝ Roðers jler surixumen, [7] un zoguþ "guisɬ ix ðis Ŝlisel". [8] So es antðexþ höl hosɬ ne, sɬehalþel ɬie höl ðis Ŝlisel. [9] Ðaŝ Roðer entferþ, "ɬie haslel ne ðis Ŝlisel." [10] Ðaŝ Ŝoiñer isþ zehr sɬaiz, [11] un so ðaŝ Roðer areinuþ a noent a tür. [12]Parts of Speech Legend
- adj
- adjective
- adv
- adverb
- art
- asp
- aspect
- conj
- conjunction
- cop
- copula
- deix
- mi
- modifier
- mood
- n
- noun
- part
- particle
- pl
- plural
- poss
- possessive
- pro
- pro-form
- prsn
- person
- quo
- tns
- tense
- v
- verb
orthographic version |
morphemic breakdown |
IPA pronunciation |
part of speech |
English translation |
Ŝeraɬ translation |
[0] Ne | Jénela | Alunsa | ne | Gocreyal | So'Chilocarn | ||
ne | jénela | alun- | -sa | ne | gocreyal | so- | chilocarn |
nɛ | ɑʁʁɑʏ(0xcɨɜcɤ͡0 | ɑˈlun | sɑ | nɛ | ɡoˈkɹɛjɑl | so | ʧɪˈlokɑɹn |
art | n | mi | mi | art | n | poss | n |
OBJ: | password | PREV | 1 | OBJ: | monastery | POSS: | priest |
[0] The Key of the Monastery | |||||||
[0] Ðäŝ Roðers's ðär Haiñ's ðas Ŝlisel |
Ayana | ne | en'i | jho | cresón, | t'ne | geithesa | jho | chilocarn. | ||
ayana | ne | en'i | jho | cresón | te | ne | geithe | -sa | jho | chilocarn |
ɑˈjɑnɑ | nɛ | ɛnːˈi | ʒo | kɹɛˈson | tɛ | nɛ | ˈɡeθɛ | sɑ | ʒo | ʧɪˈlokɑɹn |
deix | art | pro | cop | n | conj | art | n | mi | cop | n |
SUBJECTS: | OBJ: | SELF | yes | foreigner | and | OBJ: | acquaintances ring | 1 | yes | priest |
This is about a foreigner and a priest that s/he was acquainted with. | ||||||||||
Keyanu | ne | rékretil. |
keyanu | ne | rékretil |
kɛˈjɑnu | nɛ | ˈɹɛkɹɛtɪl |
n | art | n |
TIME: | OBJ: | long ago |
Once upon a time... | ||
Ainñol oið a Seiþ, |
Lo'mmavni | eg | melyáth | enalnim | vilo'ne | gocreyal | seith | kilo. | ||||
lo'mmav | -ni | eg | melyáth | enaln | -im | vilo | ne | gocreyal | s- | -eith | kilo |
ni | ɛɡ | mɛlˈjɑθ | ɛˈnɑl̃ | mˈ̩ | ˈvilo | nɛ | ɡoˈkɹɛjɑl | s | eθ | ˈkilo | |
prsn | mi | adj | n | pl | adv | art | n | poss | prsn | adv | |
?? | (self) | V: | unique | moral | PL | NEAR: | OBJ: | monastery | POSS: | (acquaintance) | :NEAR |
This foreigner of dubious morals lived near the priest's monasery. | |||||||||||
lesɬþ hosɬ an Eñeþser ðun ðzreñð Ñoralen noenþ ðäŝ Roðers's Haiñ. |
Sireveith | ne | dogir | golalen | e'kath | goldavni. | ||
sirev | -eith | ne | dogir | golalen | egikath | goldav | -ni |
sɪˈɹɛv | eθ | nɛ | ˈdoɡiɹ | ɡoˈlɑlɛn | ˈɛɡɪkɑθ | ɡolˈdɑv | ni |
v | prsn | art | adj | n | mi | v | prsn |
have | (acquaintance) | OBJ: | great | treasure | DO: | want | (self) |
The priest had great treasure, which the foreigner covetted. | |||||||
Sie hosɬ gleisɬþ ðaŝ Roðers haslel ho a grois a Oïþser oz sie szelen. |
Vik'esni | amulivleith | ne | kyar'ineji. | |||||
vik | esv | -ni | amuliv | -l- | -eith | ne | kyar- | ineji |
vɪk | ɛsv | ni | ɑmuˈlɪv | l | eθ | nɛ | kjɑɹ | ɪˈnɛʤɪ |
adv | asp | prsn | v | part | prsn | art | adj | n |
NOW: | PRG | (self) | work | DO | (acquaintance) | OBJ: | false | protector |
S/he began working there as a fake guard. | ||||||||
Ðar Eñeþser onhoïþ as a Ŝoiñer geareten. |
Vek'chuna | kkamavteith | eg | domirvonith, | ||||
vek'chuna | kkamav | -t- | -eith | eg | domirv | -on | -ith |
vɛkˈʧunɑ | kə̆ˈkɑmɑv | t | eθ | ɛɡ | doˈmiɹv | on | ɪθ |
adv | v | part | prsn | mi | v | n | adj |
one day | halt | CAUS | (acquaintance) | V: | return | :N | ADJ |
One day, the foreigner stopped the priest as he returned | |||||||
Eins Þog, sɬaẑ ðer Haiñ, oxŝþelþ sie ðiŝ Roðers jler surixumen, |
t'ves | ashavni | ssha | cha'arevleni | ne | jénela | ká'sshak. | |||||
te | ves | ashav | -ni | ssha | cha- | arev | -l- | -ni | ne | jénela | ká'sshak |
tɛ | vɛs | ɑˈʃɑv | ni | ʃə̆ˈʃɑ | ʧɑ | ɑˈɹɛv | l | ni | nɛ | ɑʁʁɑʏ(0xcɨɜcɤ͡0 | |
conj | adv | v | prsn | quo | mood | v | part | prsn | art | n | |
and | WHILE: | tell | (self) | QUOTE: | IMP | give | DO | (self) | OBJ: | password | ?? |
and said to him, "Give me the key." | |||||||||||
un zoguþ "guisɬ ix ðis Ŝlisel". |
Kret'pas | tugeiv | n'o | vépelai'kre | nimael | bisae'ev | képelai. | |||
kret | pas | tugeiv | ne | no | vépelai | kre | nimael | bisae'ev | képelai |
kɹɛt | pɑs | tuˈɡev | nɛ | no | ˈvɛpɛlɑi | kɹɛ | nɪˈmel | biˈseʔɛv | ˈkɛpɛlɑi |
conj | tns | v | art | n | adv | adj | mood | v | adv |
but | PST | hide | OBJ: | it | PURPOSE: | NEG: | would | discover | :PURPOSE |
But it had been hidden so that it would not be found. | |||||||||
So es antðexþ höl hosɬ ne, sɬehalþel ɬie höl ðis Ŝlisel. |
Adáshav | geithsa | ssha | kr'sirevni | n'o | ká'sshak. | ||||
adáshav | geithe | -sa | ssha | kre | sirev | -ni | ne | no | ká'sshak |
ɑˈdɑʃɑv | ˈɡeθɛ | sɑ | ʃə̆ˈʃɑ | kɹɛ | sɪˈɹɛv | ni | nɛ | no | |
v | n | mi | quo | adj | v | prsn | art | n | |
reply | acquaintances ring | 1 | QUOTE: | NEG: | have | (self) | OBJ: | it | ?? |
He replied, "I don't have the key." | |||||||||
Ðaŝ Roðer entferþ, "ɬie haslel ne ðis Ŝlisel." |
Énillevni | cresón | ineji | ne | gir'migrá, | ||
énillev | -ni | cresón | ineji | ne | gir | migrá |
ˈɛnɪlɛv | ni | kɹɛˈson | ɪˈnɛʤɪ | nɛ | ɡiɹ | mɪˈɡrɑ |
v | prsn | n | n | art | adj | adj |
feel | (self) | foreigner | protector | OBJ: | more | angry |
The foreigner guard was very angry, | ||||||
Ðaŝ Ŝoiñer isþ zehr sɬaiz, |
t'vet | peinájiveith | chilocarn | eg | kemeth | iyenejin | ket. | ||
te | vet | peinájiv | -eith | chilocarn | eg | kemeth | iyenejin | ket |
tɛ | vɛt | peˈnɑʤɪv | eθ | ʧɪˈlokɑɹn | ɛɡ | ˈkɛmɛθ | ɪjɛˈnɛʤɪn | kɛt |
conj | adv | v | prsn | n | mi | adj | n | adv |
and | THEREFORE: | escape | (acquaintance) | priest | V: | closed | door | :THEREFORE |
so the priest escaped through a closed, hidden door. | ||||||||
un so ðaŝ Roðer areinuþ a noent a tür. |
Yanú. |
yanú |
jɑˈnu |
n |
The end. |
adáshav | v. | reply |
alun- | mi. | PREV |
amuliv | v. | work |
arev | v. | give |
ashav | v. | tell |
ayana | deix. | SUBJECTS: |
bisae'ev | v. | discover |
cha- | mood. | IMP |
chilocarn | n. | priest |
cresón | n. | foreigner |
dogir | adj. | great |
domirv | v. | return |
eg | mi. | V: |
egikath | mi. | DO: |
-eith | prsn. | (acquaintance) |
enaln | n. | moral |
en'i | pro. | SELF |
énillev | v. | feel |
esv | asp. | PRG |
geithe | n. | acquaintances ring |
gir | adj. | more |
gocreyal | n. | monastery |
golalen | n. | treasure |
goldav | v. | want |
-im | pl. | PL |
ineji | n. | protector |
-ith | adj. | ADJ |
iyenejin | n. | door |
jénela | n. | password |
jho | cop. | yes |
ká'sshak | . | ?? |
kemeth | adj. | closed |
képelai | adv. | :PURPOSE |
ket | adv. | :THEREFORE |
keyanu | n. | TIME: |
kilo | adv. | :NEAR |
kkamav | v. | halt |
kre | adj. | NEG: |
kret | conj. | but |
kyar- | adj. | false |
-l- | part. | DO |
lo'mmav | . | ?? |
melyáth | adj. | unique |
migrá | adj. | angry |
ne | art. | OBJ: |
-ni | prsn. | (self) |
nimael | mood. | would |
no | n. | it |
-on | n. | :N |
pas | tns. | PST |
peinájiv | v. | escape |
rékretil | n. | long ago |
s- | poss. | POSS: |
-sa | mi. | 1 |
sirev | v. | have |
so- | poss. | POSS: |
ssha | quo. | QUOTE: |
-t- | part. | CAUS |
te | conj. | and |
tugeiv | v. | hide |
vek'chuna | adv. | one day |
vépelai | adv. | PURPOSE: |
ves | adv. | WHILE: |
vet | adv. | THEREFORE: |
vik | adv. | NOW: |
vilo | adv. | NEAR: |
yanú | n. | END OF STORY |