Irina Rempt ran Relay 11.

Note: The Asha'ille text has not been updated yet to reflect the spelling reform that occurred after the relay.



[0] Taragam

[1] Vek'shatruv esa ne mlaiye dimacatá ileiya [2] ne zin'e 'sa dogír sheló k', [3] arishavyilaiye ósa n'edhyu: [4] ve'latijo sirevdaiye ne hijith arigh, hyilokim, pajhen so'aefa, [5] oshyen, gid, ura, krurás, yinaveth gana, shanago, ashida rilei, saetheth ttan'e.

[6] Dochishyiv ne arigh pajhen ve'dogír chi k', [7] vesik'vae e'kath asardav ne krurás yinaveth gana ve'chi k'. [8] T'vesik rúriv ne eyenim vedá'saetheth ttan, [9] krurás, oshyen, yinaveth gana, rilei kkesik', [10] t'ves asardav ne arighith asárn ne eyenim. [11] Vae'Imacatá lloshav aesam n'edh nom ne sshak taragam. [12] Vik'asardavaiye ne taragam vel'gid ura kkik, [13] t'ves vek'vel a'ach rúriv n'om kes. [14] Téjh, chat'nagov!


[0] Raviolis

[1] When you ask your mother from Imacatá how to make [2] the tastiest meals, [3] perhaps she will answer you thus: [4] you will need beef, cooking stones, an onion, [5] butter, oil, water, salt, pepper, Imacatá spices, hot sauce, and flour.

[6] Chop the meat and onion finely, [7] then into that add a little salt and pepper. [8] Then make little containers from the flour, [9] salt, butter, pepper and sauce, [10] and add the meat mixture to the containers. [11] In Imacatá they call these things "raviolis." [12] Now add the raviolis into the oil and water, [13] and cook them until boiling. [14] Enjoy, and do eat!


[0] Naphumassëatma

[1] Lëovissa phelkilë mëanulya Andoliellim ina fatiellu i [2] phentéin-ksi tinandavoyasso [3] voreinë vophurén linta siorna: [4] thentë linti gassama voni, kirë-phentanu, sui, [5] mampildávëa, para, nara, hauma, nallana lítëa, tyompa Silimpalíndëa, numpempa sálkëa neimë nallana meldireilim.

[6] Liuséleissa i ngassamán kireimma suimma noss i ssininna-ksi patto [7] sinë noss miossi, nankoyë passerma i haumán nallanamma lítëa. [8] Menta, fatálëo mássëan limmo nallanari meldireilim [9] haumamma mampildávëamma nallanamma lítëa tyompamma neimë numpempamma, [10] sinë ilparë i mássëan i mankoindu gassámëa. [11] O Andolievi namár ta "naphumassë." [12] Myenta, koyë i naphumássëan paravi naramma [13] në péphëo no rilnanna. [14] Yenë në Pessë!

Parts of Speech Legend

proper name


orthographic version
morphemic breakdown
IPA pronunciation
part of speech
English translation
Silindion translation
[0] Taragam
taraga -im
tɑˈɹɑɡɑ mˈ̩
n pl
ravioli PL
[0] Raviolis
[0] Naphumassëatma
Vek'shatruv esa ne mlaiye dimacatá ileiya
vek shatruv e- -sa ne ml-ml -aiye diy- Imacatá ileiya
vɛk ʃɑˈtɹuv ɛ ml ˈɑijɛ dɑi ɪˌmɑkɑˈtɑ ɪˈlejɑ
adv v pron mi art poss prsn prep prop n
WHEN: ask (intimate pronoun) 1 OBJ: (intangible possession) distant ring from Imacatá mother
When you ask your mother from Imacatá how to make
Lëovissa phelkilë mëanulya Andoliellim ina fatiellu i
ne zin'e 'sa dogír sheló k',
ne zin'e alun- -sa dogír sheló kek
ziˈnːɛ ɑˈlun doˈɡiɹ ʃɛˈlo kɛk
art n mi mi adj adj adv
OBJ: meal PREV 1 best tasty :WHEN
the tastiest meals,
phentéin-ksi tinandavoyasso
arishavyilaiye ósa n'edhyu:
arishav -yi -l- -aiye ó- -sa ne edh -yu
ɑrɪˈʃɑv ji l ˈɑijɛ o ɛð ju
v mood part prsn pron mi art adj mi
answer SUBJUNC DO distant ring (distant pronoun) 1 OBJ: this phrase
perhaps she will answer you thus:
voreinë vophurén linta siorna:
ve'latijo sirevdaiye ne hijith arigh, hyilokim, pajhen so'aefa,
ve latijo sirev -d- -aiye ne hiji -ith arigh hyilok -im pajhen so'aefa
lɑˈtiʤo sɪˈɹɛv d ˈɑijɛ ˈhiʤi ɪθ ɑˈɹix ˈhjilok mˈ̩ ɑʁʁɑʏ(0xccœ0f͡0
adv adj v tns prsn art n adj n n pl n
ADV: necessary have FUT distant ring OBJ: cow ADJ meat cooking stone PL onion
you will need beef, cooking stones, an onion,
thentë linti gassama voni, kirë-phentanu, sui,
oshyen, gid, ura, krurás, yinaveth gana, shanago, ashida rilei, saetheth ttan'e.
oshyen gid ura krurás yinaveth gana shanago ashida rilei saethen -ith ttan -e
ˈoʃjɛn ɡid ˈuɹɑ kɹuˈɹɑs jɪˈnɑvɛθ ˈɡɑnɑ ʃɑˈnɑɡo ɑˈʃidɑ ˈrile ˈseθɛn ɪθ tə̆ˈtɑn ɛ
n n n n adj n n adj n n adj n epen
butter oil water salt Ashyinaven spice spice warm sauce grass ADJ flour (no meaning)
butter, oil, water, salt, pepper, Imacatá spices, hot sauce, and flour.
mampildávëa, para, nara, hauma, nallana lítëa, tyompa Silimpalíndëa, numpempa sálkëa neimë nallana meldireilim.
Dochishyiv ne arigh pajhen ve'dogír chi k',
dochishyiv ne arigh pajhen so'aefa ve dogír chi ke
doʧiˈʃjiv ɑˈɹix ɑʁʁɑʏ(0xccœ0f͡0 doˈɡiɹ ʧi
v art n n adv adj adj adv
chop OBJ: meat onion ADV: best small :ADV
Chop the meat and onion finely,
Liuséleissa i ngassamán kireimma suimma noss i ssininna-ksi patto
vesik'vae e'kath asardav ne krurás yinaveth gana ve'chi k'.
vesik vae egikath asardav ne krurás yinaveth gana ve chi kesik
ˈvɛsɪk ve ˈɛɡɪkɑθ ɑsɑɹˈdɑv kɹuˈɹɑs jɪˈnɑvɛθ ˈɡɑnɑ ʧi ˈkɛsɪk
adv adv mi v art n adj n adv adj adv
THEN: WHERE: DO: add OBJ: salt Ashyinaven spice ADV: small :THEN
then into that add a little salt and pepper.
sinë noss miossi, nankoyë passerma i haumán nallanamma lítëa.
T'vesik rúriv ne eyenim vedá'saetheth ttan,
te vesik rúriv ne eyen -im vedá saethen -ith ttan
ˈvɛsɪk ˈɹuɹɪv ˈɛjɛn mˈ̩ vɛˈdɑ ˈseθɛn ɪθ tə̆ˈtɑn
conj adv v art n pl adv n adj n
and THEN: make OBJ: container PL FROM: grass ADJ flour
Then make little containers from the flour,
Menta, fatálëo mássëan limmo nallanari meldireilim
krurás, oshyen, yinaveth gana, rilei kkesik',
krurás oshyen yinaveth gana rilei kedá kesik
kɹuˈɹɑs ˈoʃjɛn jɪˈnɑvɛθ ˈɡɑnɑ ˈrile ˈkɛdɑ ˈkɛsɪk
n n adj n n adv adv
salt butter Ashyinaven spice sauce :FROM :THEN
salt, butter, pepper and sauce,
haumamma mampildávëamma nallanamma lítëa tyompamma neimë numpempamma,
t'ves asardav ne arighith asárn ne eyenim.
te ves asardav ne arigh -ith asárn ne eyen -im
vɛs ɑsɑɹˈdɑv ɑˈɹix ɪθ ɑˈsɑɹn ˈɛjɛn mˈ̩
conj adv v art n adj n art n pl
and WHILE: add OBJ: meat ADJ mixture OBJ: container PL
and add the meat mixture to the containers.
sinë ilparë i mássëan i mankoindu gassámëa.
Vae'Imacatá lloshav aesam n'edh nom ne sshak taragam.
vae Imacatá lloshav ae- -sa -im ne edh no -im ne sshak taraga -im
ve ɪˌmɑkɑˈtɑ lə̆ˈloʃɑv e mˈ̩ ɛð no mˈ̩ ʃə̆ˈʃɑk tɑˈɹɑɡɑ mˈ̩
adv prop v pron mi pl art adj n pl art quo n pl
WHERE: Imacatá call DIST 1 PL OBJ: this it PL OBJ: :QUOTE ravioli PL
In Imacatá they call these things "raviolis."
O Andolievi namár ta "naphumassë."
Vik'asardavaiye ne taragam vel'gid ura kkik,
vik asardav -aiye ne taraga -im vel gid ura kel kik
vɪk ɑsɑɹˈdɑv ˈɑijɛ tɑˈɹɑɡɑ mˈ̩ vɛl ɡid ˈuɹɑ kɛl kɪk
adv v prsn art n pl adv n n adv adv
NOW: add distant ring OBJ: ravioli PL TOWARD: oil water :TOWARD :NOW
Now add the raviolis into the oil and water,
Myenta, koyë i naphumássëan paravi naramma
t'ves vek'vel a'ach rúriv n'om kes.
te ves vek vel a'ach rúriv ne no -im kes
vɛs vɛk vɛl ɑˈʔɑʧ ˈɹuɹɪv no mˈ̩ kɛs
conj adv adv adv adj v art n pl adv
and WHILE: WHEN: TOWARD: boiling make OBJ: it PL :WHILE
and cook them until boiling.
në péphëo no rilnanna.
Téjh, chat'nagov!
téjh chat- nagov
tɛʒ ʧɑt nɑˈɡov
interj mood v
enjoy let's eat
Enjoy, and do eat!
Yenë në Pessë!


a'achadj. boiling
ae-pron. DIST
-aiyeprsn. distant ring
alun-mi. PREV
arighn. meat
arishavv. answer
asardavv. add
asárnn. mixture
ashidaadj. warm
chat-mood. let's
chiadj. small
-d-tns. FUT
diy-prep. from
dochishyivv. chop
dogíradj. best
-eepen. (no meaning)
e-pron. (intimate pronoun)
edhadj. this
egikathmi. DO:
eyenn. container
ganan. spice
gidn. oil
hijin. cow
hyilokn. cooking stone
ileiyan. mother
-impl. PL
Imacatáprop. Imacatá
-ithadj. ADJ
keadv. :ADV
kedáadv. :FROM
kekadv. :WHEN
keladv. :TOWARD
kesadv. :WHILE
kesikadv. :THEN
kikadv. :NOW
krurásn. salt
-l-part. DO
latijoadj. necessary
lloshavv. call
ml-mlposs. (intangible possession)
nagovv. eat
neart. OBJ:
non. it
ó-pron. (distant pronoun)
oshyenn. butter
pajhen so'aefan. onion
rilein. sauce
rúrivv. make
-sami. 1
saethenn. grass
shanagon. spice
shatruvv. ask
shelóadj. tasty
sirevv. have
sshakquo. :QUOTE
taragan. ravioli
teconj. and
téjhinterj. enjoy
ttann. flour
uran. water
vaeadv. WHERE:
veadv. ADV:
vedáadv. FROM:
vekadv. WHEN:
veladv. TOWARD:
vesadv. WHILE:
vesikadv. THEN:
vikadv. NOW:
-yimood. SUBJUNC
yinavethadj. Ashyinaven
-yumi. phrase
zin'en. meal