Henrik Theiling ran Relay 13 in January and Februray of 2006, with a Da Mätz se Basa text.
Note: The Asha'ille text has not been updated yet to reflect the spelling reform that occurred after the relay.
The speakers of Asha'ille are a quadrapedal feline species known as the Cresaeans. Their homes are dug out below the level of the streets, and thus their yards have embankments surround them, rather than fences.
Writing, literacy, and history are valued very highly in Cresaean culture. Young Cresaeans are taught by scribes. The lucky ones may appentice under a master scribe, who teach them more that just practical knowledge of literacy. The masters host their few apprentices in their home during the weekdays, and will often pick up their students in an animal-drawn cart at the beginning of the week.
Cresaeans are genetically related to a small tree-dwelling feline species, dehalaizen in Asha'ille, Delaizen in English. A subspecies of this species has been domesticated as pets.
[1] Ne Rekreví 'sa Veia'gijhevon ne Mlaiye Eshólivash
[2] Ayana ne en'i jho cchirn. [3] Keyanu ne sshókaroth chiduna. [4] Kén'jeni ne mirvon eyemale so'jo vae'áldae gir'má en. [5] Jhor'en i 'sa iyen'lli t'ven chaea seni vilo'ezán. [6] Jhor'vae deigan seni t'chilaizen 'sa fo ccat. [7] Arin mmavta en'i eg chilaizen vel'nain vedá'deigan, [8] kret'dayuna daedava. [9] Akénelvni ne naea 'sa vae'mirvonsec eyemale so'jo kae, [10] Girsardos énteni ne peijan, [11] t'ves nesh saemirv eyemale so'jo. [12] Jhiviken én'i ne peijan. [13] Ve'dosar manivtec en'i ne ezán eg ita sa, [14] kret'énec ne gir'kache, [15] t'vet yubirva vae'e llaeath eirsi seni [16] vep'shápavonad doven'kasaea. [17] Vik'saemirv eyemale so'jo. [18] Jhor'mlo chilaizen vekeluna t'jhi gir'sshi i rojh, jjhen. [19] Yanú.English
[1] A Joke to Alleviate Your Winter Melancholy
[2] This is about a young man. [3] The time is the month of Sheshokaro. [4] He can see the teacher's cart coming down the next road. [5] The student is in his yard, near the embankment. [6] On his shoulder is a fat, red delaizen. [7] He tries to make the delaizen move from his shoulder to the ground, [8] but she always balances. [9] He looks at the place where the teacher's cart is coming, [10] He worries more and more, [11] because the teacher's cart arrives soon. [12] He continues to worry. [13] He makes her paw touch the embankment, [14] but it feels very cold [15] and thus she climbs into his school bag [16] to soothe herself within there. [17] Now the teacher's cart arrives. [18] The rest of the delaizen's day is even more amusing, of course. [19] The end.Tatari Faran
[1] kueharan naritai'i ihirasan imaisinan tsen utu sei
[2] -- [3] jiras baranis ijiinan bunaheibikas te' iti [4] hamra epan pai tatitis nikefatai samanan arapas ipai haras ko aram. [5] kapi ipai hamra kiran pesa'atan ka heka sumanan atuan aram. [6] daha tara'is apa ei tsuni kauhi burut karat sei ira. [7] kiran tara' ka kapa pera kauhi fisei daha atu ta'an, [8] fei sei paka tumitai pepai tsit. [9] tara' ka hena juerat pai nikefatai arapas no, [10] hena sa isi mahinai puru kumai kiki, [11] diti iti isi upitai kefatai samanan so. [12] fei kei piana' irei hike. [13] tara' ka kakai jiras me pata' feis sa heka ita, [14] pata' sa paka imis juju', [15] fei sei hena akuka hujai tara'an na, [16] simuini sahu kapi ipai tsi. [17] kana iti upitai kefatai samanan so dakat. [18] bara baranis kauhin sa kueras puru eka nari. [19] --Parts of Speech Legend
- adj
- adjective
- adv
- adverb
- conj
- conjunction
- cop
- copula
- interj
- interjection
- mi
- modifier
- n
- noun
- nom
- nominalizer
- part
- particle
- poss
- possessive
- prsn
- person
- v
- verb
orthographic version |
morphemic breakdown |
IPA pronunciation |
part of speech |
English translation |
Tatari Faran translation |
[1] Ne | Rekreví | 'sa | Veia'gijhevon | ne | Mlaiye | Eshólivash | ||||
ne | rekreví | alun- | -sa | veia | gijhev | -on | ne | ml-ml | -aiye | eshólivash |
nɛ | ɹɛkɹɛˈvi | ɑˈlun | sɑ | ˈve.ɑ | ɡɪˈʒɛv | on | nɛ | ml | ˈɑijɛ | ɛˈʃolivɑʃ |
mi | n | mi | mi | adv | v | n | mi | poss | prsn | n |
OBJ: | joke | PREV | 1 | GOAL: | be better | :N | OBJ: | (intangible possession) | distant ring | winter melancholy |
[1] A Joke to Alleviate Your Winter Melancholy | ||||||||||
[1] kueharan naritai'i ihirasan imaisinan tsen utu sei |
Ayana | ne | en'i | jho | cchirn. |
ayana | ne | en'i | jho | cchirn |
ɑˈjɑnɑ | nɛ | ʒo | ʧə̆ˈtʃiɹn | |
mi | cop | n | ||
SUBJECTS: | OBJ: | ?? | EQUIV: | young man |
This is about a young man. | ||||
-- | ||||
Asha'ille stories often start with a change of deixis. From here on, any reference to the "first person" actually refers to the young man. This technique is meant to help the storyteller and the listener both have greater affinity and empathy for the protagonist. |
Keyanu | ne | sshókaroth | chiduna. | |
keyanu | ne | sshókaro | -ith | chiduna |
kɛˈjɑnu | nɛ | ʃə̆ˈʃokɑˌɹo | ɪθ | ʧɪˈdunɑ |
n | mi | n | adj | n |
TIME: | OBJ: | winter soltice festival | ADJ | month |
The time is the month of Sheshokaro. | ||||
jiras baranis ijiinan bunaheibikas te' iti | ||||
Shifting of temporal deixis is also common is Asha'ille stories. |
Kén'jeni | ne | mirvon | eyemale | so'jo | vae'áldae | gir'má en. | |||||
kénillev | -j- | -ni | ne | mirv | -on | eyemale | so- | jo | vae | áldae | gir'má en |
ˈkɛnɪlɛv | ʤ | ni | nɛ | miɹv | on | ɛjɛˈmɑlɛ | so | ʤo | ve | ˈɑlde | |
v | part | prsn | mi | v | n | n | poss | n | adv | adj | |
see | able | (self) | OBJ: | come | :N | vehicle | POSS: | teacher | WHERE: | next | ?? |
He can see the teacher's cart coming down the next road. | |||||||||||
hamra epan pai tatitis nikefatai samanan arapas ipai haras ko aram. |
Jhor'en i | 'sa | iyen'lli | t'ven | chaea | seni | vilo'ezán. | |||||
jhor- | en'i | alun- | -sa | iyen'lli | te | ven | chaea | s- | -ni | vilo | ezán |
ʒoɹ | ɑˈlun | sɑ | tɛ | vɛn | ˈʧe.ɑ | s | ni | ˈvilo | ɛˈzɑn | ||
cop | mi | mi | conj | adv | n | poss | prsn | adv | n | ||
EQUIV: | ?? | PREV | 1 | ?? | and | WITHIN: | yard | POSS: | (self) | NEAR: | embankment |
The student is in his yard, near the embankment. | |||||||||||
kapi ipai hamra kiran pesa'atan ka heka sumanan atuan aram. |
Jhor'vae | deigan | seni | t'chilaizen | 'sa | fo | ccat. | ||||
jhor- | vae | deigan | s- | -ni | te | chilaizen | alun- | -sa | fo | ccat |
ʒoɹ | ve | ˈdeɡɑn | s | ni | tɛ | ʧiˈlɑizɛn | ɑˈlun | sɑ | fo | kə̆ˈkɑt |
cop | adv | n | poss | prsn | conj | n | mi | mi | adj | adj |
EQUIV: | WHERE: | shoulder | POSS: | (self) | and | pet delaizen | PREV | 1 | red | fat |
On his shoulder is a fat, red delaizen. | ||||||||||
daha tara'is apa ei tsuni kauhi burut karat sei ira. |
Arin | mmavta | en'i | eg | chilaizen | vel'nain | vedá'deigan, | ||||
arin | mmav | -t- | -a | en'i | eg | chilaizen | vel | nain | vedá | deigan |
ˈɑɹɪn | mə̆ˈmɑv | t | ɑ | ɛɡ | ʧiˈlɑizɛn | vɛl | nɑin | vɛˈdɑ | ˈdeɡɑn | |
part | v | part | prsn | mi | n | adv | n | adv | n | |
try | move | CAUS | (she) | ?? | V: | pet delaizen | TOWARD: | ground | FROM: | shoulder |
He tries to make the delaizen move from his shoulder to the ground, | ||||||||||
kiran tara' ka kapa pera kauhi fisei daha atu ta'an, |
kret'dayuna | daedava. | ||
kret | dayuna | daedav | -a |
kɹɛt | dɑˈjunɑ | ˈdedɑv | ɑ |
conj | adv | v | prsn |
but | always | balance | (she) |
but she always balances. | |||
fei sei paka tumitai pepai tsit. |
Akénelvni | ne | naea | 'sa | vae'mirvonsec | eyemale | so'jo | kae, | |||||||
akénelv | -ni | ne | naea | alun- | -sa | vae | mirv | -on | -s | -ec | eyemale | so- | jo | kae |
ɑˈkɛnɛlv | ni | nɛ | nˈe.ɑ | ɑˈlun | sɑ | ve | miɹv | on | ɛk | ɛjɛˈmɑlɛ | so | ʤo | ke | |
v | prsn | mi | n | mi | mi | adv | v | n | prsn | n | poss | n | adv | |
look at | (self) | OBJ: | place | PREV | 1 | WHERE: | come | :N | ?? | 3SN | vehicle | POSS: | teacher | :WHERE |
He looks at the place where the teacher's cart is coming, | ||||||||||||||
tara' ka hena juerat pai nikefatai arapas no, |
Girsardos | énteni | ne | peijan, | ||
girsardos | énillev | -t- | -ni | ne | peijan |
ɡiɹˈsɑɹdos | ˈɛnɪlɛv | t | ni | nɛ | ˈpeʤɑn |
adv | v | part | prsn | mi | n |
increasingly | feel | CAUS | (self) | OBJ: | worry |
He worries more and more, | |||||
hena sa isi mahinai puru kumai kiki, |
t'ves | nesh | saemirv | eyemale | so'jo. | ||
te | ves | nesh | saemirv | eyemale | so- | jo |
tɛ | vɛs | nɛʃ | seˈmiɹv | ɛjɛˈmɑlɛ | so | ʤo |
conj | adv | adv | v | n | poss | n |
and | WHILE: | soon | arrive | vehicle | POSS: | teacher |
because the teacher's cart arrives soon. | ||||||
diti iti isi upitai kefatai samanan so. |
Jhiviken | én'i | ne | peijan. | |
jhiviken | énillev | -ni | ne | peijan |
ʒiˈvɪkɛn | ˈɛnɪlɛv | ni | nɛ | ˈpeʤɑn |
adv | v | prsn | mi | n |
still | feel | (self) | OBJ: | worry |
He continues to worry. | ||||
fei kei piana' irei hike. |
Ve'dosar | manivtec | en'i | ne | ezán | eg | ita | sa, | |||||
ve | do- | sar | maniv | -t- | -ec | en'i | ne | ezán | eg | ita | s- | -a |
vɛ | do | sɑɹ | mɑˈniv | t | ɛk | nɛ | ɛˈzɑn | ɛɡ | iˈtɑ | s | ɑ | |
adv | adj | adj | v | part | prsn | mi | n | mi | n | poss | prsn | |
ADV: | times | one | touch | CAUS | 3SN | ?? | OBJ: | embankment | V: | paw | POSS: | (she) |
He makes her paw touch the embankment, | ||||||||||||
tara' ka kakai jiras me pata' feis sa heka ita, |
kret'énec | ne | gir'kache, | |||
kret | énillev | -ec | ne | gir | kache |
kɹɛt | ˈɛnɪlɛv | ɛk | nɛ | ɡiɹ | ˈkɑʧɛ |
conj | v | prsn | mi | adv | n |
but | feel | 3SN | OBJ: | very | cold |
but it feels very cold | |||||
pata' sa paka imis juju', |
t'vet | yubirva | vae'e llaeath | eirsi | seni | |||||
te | vet | yubirv | -a | vae | e'llaea | -ith | eirsi | s- | -ni |
tɛ | vɛt | juˈbiɹv | ɑ | ve | ɪθ | ˈeɹsi | s | ni | |
conj | adv | v | prsn | adv | adj | n | poss | prsn | |
and | THEREFORE: | climb | (she) | WHERE: | ?? | ADJ | sack | POSS: | (self) |
and thus she climbs into his school bag | |||||||||
fei sei hena akuka hujai tara'an na, |
vep'shápavonad | doven'kasaea. | |||||
vep | shápav | -on | -ad | do- | ven | kasaea |
vɛp | ˈʃɑpɑv | on | ɑd | do | vɛn | kɑˈse.ɑ |
adv | v | n | nom | adj | adv | n |
REASON: | soothe | :N | REFL | RE | WITHIN: | there |
to soothe herself within there. | ||||||
simuini sahu kapi ipai tsi. |
Vik'saemirv | eyemale | so'jo. | ||
vik | saemirv | eyemale | so- | jo |
vɪk | seˈmiɹv | ɛjɛˈmɑlɛ | so | ʤo |
adv | v | n | poss | n |
NOW: | arrive | vehicle | POSS: | teacher |
Now the teacher's cart arrives. | ||||
kana iti upitai kefatai samanan so dakat. |
Jhor'mlo | chilaizen | vekeluna | t'jhi | gir'sshi i | rojh, | jjhen. | |||
jhor- | mlo- | chilaizen | vekeluna | te | jhi | gir | sshi'i | rojh | jjhen |
ʒoɹ | ml̃o | ʧiˈlɑizɛn | vɛkɛˈlunɑ | tɛ | ʒi | ɡiɹ | ɹoʒ | ʒə̆ˈʒɛn | |
cop | poss | n | n | conj | adj | cop | interj | ||
EQUIV: | (intangible possession) | pet delaizen | rest of the day | and | yes | more | ?? | :EQUIV | of course |
The rest of the delaizen's day is even more amusing, of course. | |||||||||
bara baranis kauhin sa kueras puru eka nari. |
Yanú. |
yanú |
jɑˈnu |
n |
The end. |
-- |
-a | prsn. | (she) |
-ad | nom. | REFL |
-aiye | prsn. | distant ring |
akénelv | v. | look at |
áldae | adj. | next |
alun- | mi. | PREV |
arin | part. | try |
ayana | . | SUBJECTS: |
ccat | adj. | fat |
cchirn | n. | young man |
chaea | n. | yard |
chiduna | n. | month |
chilaizen | n. | pet delaizen |
daedav | v. | balance |
dayuna | adv. | always |
deigan | n. | shoulder |
do- | adj. | RE |
-ec | prsn. | 3SN |
eg | mi. | V: |
eirsi | n. | sack |
e'llaea | . | ?? |
en'i | . | ?? |
énillev | v. | feel |
eshólivash | n. | winter melancholy |
eyemale | n. | vehicle |
ezán | n. | embankment |
fo | adj. | red |
gijhev | v. | be better |
gir | adj. | more |
gir'má en | . | ?? |
girsardos | adv. | increasingly |
ita | n. | paw |
-ith | adj. | ADJ |
iyen'lli | . | ?? |
-j- | part. | able |
jhi | . | yes |
jhiviken | adv. | still |
jho | cop. | yes |
jhor- | cop. | EQUIV: |
jjhen | interj. | of course |
jo | n. | teacher |
kache | n. | cold |
kae | adv. | :WHERE |
kasaea | n. | there |
kénillev | v. | see |
keyanu | n. | TIME: |
kret | conj. | but |
maniv | v. | touch |
mirv | v. | come |
ml-ml | poss. | (intangible possession) |
mlo- | poss. | (intangible possession) |
mmav | v. | move |
naea | n. | place |
nain | n. | ground |
ne | mi. | OBJ: |
nesh | adv. | soon |
-ni | prsn. | (self) |
-on | n. | :N |
peijan | n. | worry |
rekreví | n. | joke |
rojh | cop. | :EQUIV |
-s | . | ?? |
s- | poss. | POSS: |
-sa | mi. | 1 |
saemirv | v. | arrive |
sar | adj. | one |
shápav | v. | soothe |
so- | poss. | POSS: |
sshi'i | . | ?? |
sshókaro | n. | winter soltice festival |
-t- | part. | CAUS |
te | conj. | and |
vae | adv. | WHERE: |
ve | adv. | ADV: |
vedá | adv. | FROM: |
veia | adv. | GOAL: |
vekeluna | n. | rest of the day |
vel | adv. | TOWARD: |
ven | adv. | WITHIN: |
vep | adv. | REASON: |
ves | adv. | WHILE: |
vet | adv. | THEREFORE: |
vik | adv. | NOW: |
vilo | adv. | NEAR: |
yanú | n. | END OF STORY |
yubirv | v. | climb |