David J. Peterson ran the LCC2 relay in the summer of 2007.

The Asha'ille text has been updated to reflect the spelling reform that occurred after the relay.



[0] Ne Sayúl, Pas Shav

[1] Keyanu ne anyám gedunam 'sa pashîth. Arovni vae chîrumath uvajen. [2] Gghechîv ne sayúl, t'ves [3] en̤iv ne sshavon no: [4] "Jai! Veni no grelle, vir kren!" [5] Sun dîrevpeni ne sayúl, t'ves dirshav: [6] "Shavjecîm edh sayúlîm, jhë ë?"

[7] Pas arîshav no: [8] "Jhi, shavjas edh ghya lokeilim; sshirîvpeni n'eira!"

[9] Vesîk dirshavpeni: [10] "Ojo sholdavsóte ne ashavonleni done mlosóte dasshaln?"

[11] Pas arîshav no: [12] "Ojo sholdavyi'aj ne en̤ivon don'o? [13] Yet shavaj ne sshak 'jhi,' jhiye ashavnilaj n'o."

[14] Pas én'i ne chipal mîgrá vek arîshavonich doyeg edh k', [15] t'vet vae chîruman aejírevpeni ne sayúl. [16] Kre dokén'i n'o vek vedá anyám chîdunam k'.


[0] The Stone That Spoke

[1] Many years ago, I walked along the lake shore. [2] I kicked a stone, and [3] I heard something say: [4] "Hey! I didn't like that at all!" [5] I lifted the stone and asked: [6] "These stones can speak, can they?"

[7] It answered: [8] "Yes, all these wise stones can speak; I remembered how!"

[9] Then I asked: [10] "Do you want to tell me your life story?"

[11] It answered: [12] "Do you really want to hear it? [13] If you say 'yes,' then I will tell it to you."

[14] I began to feel angry when it answered like that, [15] so I threw the stone into the lake. [16] I didn't see it again for many months.

Greek Sans Flexions text

[0] «To petra pu ci miļisi»

[1] Prin apo poļis hronos, mena ci perpatisi para to ohti apo ena ļimņi. [2] Otan mena ci kloťisi ena petra, [3] mena ci akusi oti kati ci pi: [4] «Eï! Tuto ðe ci aresi se mena!» [5] Mena ci sikosi to petra ķe mena ci rotisi: [6] «Araje tos petras boresi na miļisi?»

[7] Afto ci apandisi: [8] «Ne, tos petras boresi na miļisi; mena ci þimiþi!»

[9] Tote mena ci rotisi: [10] «Ťi sena þeļi na pi se mena to istoria apo olaķero to zoi su?»

[11] Afto ci apandisi: [12] «Ťi sena ine siğuro oti sena þeļi na akusi afto? [13] An sena pi ‹ne›, mena þa ðiijisi afto se sena.»

[14] Otan afto ci apandisi eťi, mena ci arcisi na þimosi, [15] ķe mena ci rixi to petra mesa sto ļimņi. [16] Mena ðe ci xanaði afto ja poļis minas.

English translation of GSF

[0] The Stone That Spoke

[1] Many years ago, I walked along the shore of a lake. [2] When I kicked a stone, [3] I heard something say: [4] 'Hey! That didn't please me!' [5] I lifted the stone and asked: [6] 'These stones can speak, then?'

[7] It answered: [8] 'Yes, these stones can speak; I remembered!'

[9] Then I asked: [10] 'Do you want to tell me the story of your entire life?'

[11] It answered: [12] 'Are you sure that you want to hear it? [13] If you say 'yes,' then I will recount it to you.'

[14] When it answered thus, I began to be angry, [15] and I threw the stone into the lake. [16] I didn't see it again for many months.

Parts of Speech Legend



orthographic version
morphemic breakdown
IPA pronunciation
part of speech
Greek Sans Flexions text: translation
English translation of GSF: translation
Ne Sayúl, Pas Shav
ne sayúl pas shav
sɑˈjul pɑs ʃɑv
art n tns v
OBJ rock PST speak
The Stone That Spoke
Greek Sans Flexions text: «To petra pu ci miļisi»
English translation of GSF: The Stone That Spoke
Keyanu ne anyám gedunam 'sa pashîth. Arovni vae chîrumath uvajen.
keyanu ne anyá -îm geduna -îm alun- -sa pashen -îth arov -ni vae chîruman -îth uvajen
kɛˈjɑnu ɑnˈjɑ ɪm ɡɛˈdunɑ ɪm ɑˈlun ˈpɑʃɛn ɪθ ɑˈɹov ni ve ʧɪˈɹumɑn ɪθ uˈvɑʤɛn
n art n pl n pl mi mi n adj v prsn adv n adj n
TIME OBJ some PL year PL PREV 1 past ADJ walk (self) where lake ADJ shore
Many years ago, I walked along the lake shore.
Greek Sans Flexions text: Prin apo poļis hronos, mena ci perpatisi para to ohti apo ena ļimņi.
English translation of GSF: Many years ago, I walked along the shore of a lake.
Gghechîv ne sayúl, t'ves
gghechîv ne sayúl te ves
xə̆ˈxɛʧɪv sɑˈjul vɛs
v art n conj conj
kick OBJ rock and while
I kicked a stone, and
Greek Sans Flexions text: Otan mena ci kloťisi ena petra,
English translation of GSF: When I kicked a stone,
en̤iv ne sshavon no:
en̤iv ne sshav -on no
enːˈiv ʃə̆ˈʃɑv on no
v art v n n
hear OBJ say NOM it
I heard something say:
Greek Sans Flexions text: mena ci akusi oti kati ci pi:
English translation of GSF: I heard something say:
"Jai! Veni no grelle, vir kren!"
jai veni-grelle no vir kren
ʤɑi̯ ˈvɛni ˈɡɹɛl no viɹ kɹɛn
interj phr n adv n
grr I like it how much none
"Hey! I didn't like that at all!"
Greek Sans Flexions text: «Eï! Tuto ðe ci aresi se mena!»
English translation of GSF: 'Hey! That didn't please me!'
Sun dîrevpeni ne sayúl, t'ves dirshav:
sun dîrev -p- -ni ne sayúl te ves dirshav
sun dɪˈɹɛv p ni sɑˈjul vɛs diɹˈʃɑv
adv v tns prsn art n conj conj v
upward take PST (self) OBJ rock and while ask
I lifted the stone and asked:
Greek Sans Flexions text: Mena ci sikosi to petra ķe mena ci rotisi:
English translation of GSF: I lifted the stone and asked:
"Shavjecîm edh sayúlîm, jhë ë?"
shav -j- -ec -îm edh sayúl -îm jhe ¨ e ¨
ʃɑv ʤ ɛk ɪm ɛð sɑˈjul ɪm ʒɛ ɛ
v part prsn pl adj n pl interj Q epen Q
speak able 3SN PL this rock PL right Q (ablaut) (no meaning) Q (ablaut)
"These stones can speak, can they?"
Greek Sans Flexions text: «Araje tos petras boresi na miļisi?»
English translation of GSF: 'These stones can speak, then?'
Pas arîshav no:
pas arîshav no
pɑs ɑrɪˈʃɑv no
tns v n
PST answer it
It answered:
Greek Sans Flexions text: Afto ci apandisi:
English translation of GSF: It answered:
"Jhi, shavjas edh ghya lokeilim; sshirîvpeni n'eira!"
jhi shav -j- -as edh ghya lokeili -îm sshirîv -p- -ni ne neira
ʒi ʃɑv ʤ ɑs ɛð xjɑ loˈkeli ɪm ʃə̆ˈʃiɹɪv p ni ˈneɹɑ
interj v part prsn adj adj n pl v tns prsn art n
yes speak able everyone this FOCUS stone PL remember PST (self) OBJ how
"Yes, all these wise stones can speak; I remembered how!"
Greek Sans Flexions text: «Ne, tos petras boresi na miļisi; mena ci þimiþi!»
English translation of GSF: 'Yes, these stones can speak; I remembered!'
Vesîk dirshavpeni:
vesîk dirshav -p- -ni
ˈvɛsɪk diɹˈʃɑv p ni
conj v tns prsn
then ask PST (self)
Then I asked:
Greek Sans Flexions text: Tote mena ci rotisi:
English translation of GSF: Then I asked:
"Ojo sholdavsóte ne ashavonleni done mlosóte dasshaln?"
ojo sholdav -sóte ne ashav -on -l- -ni do- ne ml-ml -o -sóte dasshaln
ˈoʤo ʃolˈdɑv ˈsotɛ ɑˈʃɑv on l ni do ml o ˈsotɛ dɑʃə̆ˈʃɑɫ̃
q v prsn art v n part prsn conj art poss epen prsn n
Y/N want distant ring OBJ tell NOM DO (self) SUBORD OBJ (intangible possession) (NULL) distant ring life story
"Do you want to tell me your life story?"
Greek Sans Flexions text: «Ťi sena þeļi na pi se mena to istoria apo olaķero to zoi su?»
English translation of GSF: 'Do you want to tell me the story of your entire life?'
Pas arîshav no:
pas arîshav no
pɑs ɑrɪˈʃɑv no
tns v n
PST answer it
It answered:
Greek Sans Flexions text: Afto ci apandisi:
English translation of GSF: It answered:
"Ojo sholdavyi'aj ne en̤ivon don'o?
ojo sholdav -yi -aj ne en̤iv -on do- ne no
ˈoʤo ʃolˈdɑv ji ˈɑʤ enːˈiv on do no
q v mood prsn art v n conj art n
Y/N want SUBJUNC (annoying person) OBJ hear NOM SUBORD OBJ it
"Do you really want to hear it?
Greek Sans Flexions text: «Ťi sena ine siğuro oti sena þeļi na akusi afto?
English translation of GSF: 'Are you sure that you want to hear it?
Yet shavaj ne sshak 'jhi,' jhiye ashavnilaj n'o."
yet shav -aj ne sshak jhi jhiye ashav -ni -l- -aj ne no
jɛt ʃɑv ˈɑʤ ʃə̆ˈʃɑk ʒi ˈʒijɛ ɑˈʃɑv ni l ˈɑʤ no
conj v prsn art quo interj mi v prsn part prsn art n
if speak (annoying person) OBJ (end-quote) yes then tell (self) DO (annoying person) OBJ it
If you say 'yes,' then I will tell it to you."
Greek Sans Flexions text: An sena pi ‹ne›, mena þa ðiijisi afto se sena.»
English translation of GSF: If you say 'yes,' then I will recount it to you.'
Pas én'i ne chipal mîgrá vek arîshavonich doyeg edh k',
pas énîllev -ni ne chipal mîgrá vek arîshav -on -ich do- eg edh kek
pɑs ˈɛnɪlɛv ni ˈʧipɑl mɪˈɡrɑ vɛk ɑrɪˈʃɑv on do ɛɡ ɛð kɛk
tns v prsn art adj adj adv v n prsn conj mi adj adv
PST feel (self) OBJ half angry when answer NOM (mean person) SUBORD V: this (end-when)
I began to feel angry when it answered like that,
Greek Sans Flexions text: Otan afto ci apandisi eťi, mena ci arcisi na þimosi,
English translation of GSF: When it answered thus, I began to be angry,
t'vet vae chîruman aejírevpeni ne sayúl.
te vet vae chîruman aejírev -p- -ni ne sayúl
vɛt ve ʧɪˈɹumɑn eˈʤiɹɛv p ni sɑˈjul
conj conj adv n v tns prsn art n
and therefore where lake throw PST (self) OBJ rock
so I threw the stone into the lake.
Greek Sans Flexions text: ķe mena ci rixi to petra mesa sto ļimņi.
English translation of GSF: and I threw the stone into the lake.
Kre dokén'i n'o vek vedá anyám chîdunam k'.
kre do- kénîllev -ni ne no vek vedá anyá -îm chîduna -îm kek
kɹɛ do ˈkɛnɪlɛv ni no vɛkvɛˈdɑ ɑnˈjɑ ɪm ʧɪˈdunɑ ɪm kɛk
adj adv v prsn art n adv n pl n pl adv
NEG RE see (self) OBJ it since some PL month PL (end-when)
I didn't see it again for many months.
Greek Sans Flexions text: Mena ðe ci xanaði afto ja poļis minas.
English translation of GSF: I didn't see it again for many months.


¨Q. Q (ablaut)
aejírevv. throw
-ajprsn. (annoying person)
alun-mi. PREV
anyán. some
arîshavv. answer
arovv. walk
-asprsn. everyone
ashavv. tell
chîdunan. month
chipaln. sprout
chîrumann. lake
dasshalnn. life story
dîrevv. take
dirshavv. ask
do-conj. SUBORD
eepen. (no meaning)
-ecprsn. 3SN
edhadj. this
egmi. V:
énîllevv. feel
en̤ivv. hear
gedunan. year
gghechîvv. kick
ghyaadj. FOCUS
-ichprsn. (mean person)
-împl. PL
-îthadj. ADJ
-j-part. able
jaiinterj. grr
jheinterj. right
jhiinterj. yes
jhiyemi. then
kekadv. (end-when)
kénîllevv. see
keyanun. TIME
kreadj. NEG
krenn. none
-l-part. DO
lokeilin. stone
mîgráadj. angry
ml-mlposs. (intangible possession)
neart. OBJ
neiran. how
-niprsn. (self)
non. it
-oepen. (NULL)
ojoq. Y/N
-onn. NOM
-p-tns. PST
pastns. PST
pashenn. past
-sami. 1
sayúln. rock
shavv. speak
sholdavv. want
-sóteprsn. distant ring
sshakquo. (end-quote)
sshavv. say
sshirîvv. remember
sunadv. upward
teconj. and
uvajenn. shore
vaeadv. where
vekadv. when
vek vedáadv. since
veni-grellephr. I like
vesconj. while
vesîkconj. then
vetconj. therefore
viradv. how much
yetconj. if
-yimood. SUBJUNC