Lhenazi is written with a syllabic script, which suits the language well because it mostly only allows consonant-vowel pairs in words anyway.
See the font page for the downloadable font I used to create the graphics below.
Basic Characters
Consonant Clusters
Every consonant-vowel pair is written with one character:
- ta
- re
- tare to see
The last consonant of a word is voiced. However, neither transliteration nor syllabary characters show this voicing:
- shite book(NOM)
- shiten book(ACC,ABS)
The only time a consonant is allowed without a following vowel is at the end of a word. The character for a standalone consonant is the same as the <consonant>o, but with a small open circle added to the character:
- izo
- iz small
Diphthongs are written like a word-final consonant plus the special diphthong character:
- tie
- not written as
An exception to the diphthong rule is when they are paired with a consonant cluster. In that case, the cluster ligature is written with the first vowel of the diphthong, then the second vowel is written separately:
- threote to play
Every noun belongs to one of four noun classes. A special noun class character is added to the end of every word. Because all noun classes except class IV end with a suffix unique to that noun class, the special class character stands for that sound, rather than the regular character for that sound.
- Noun Class I: kesath
- ends with -th, but no word-final th is written:
- Noun Class II: sazi
- ends with -i, but the last syllable's i is still written:
- Noun Class III: zorei
- ends with -ei but is written as <consonant>e:
- Noun Class IV: itoshe
- no common ending
Nominative/accusative and ergative/absolutive markers are added to the noun class characters:
- tarei zorei itoshen
the friend(NOM) sees a fish(ACC)
- not written as
- tare zoreild itoshen
the friend(ERG) saw a fish(ABS)
- not written as
Epenthetic vowels or consonants are not written:
- ainitoshe
- not written as
- ziden
- not written as
Like many other writing systems, the Lhenazi script developed from a simple pictographic collection of symbols. Over time, symbols were simplified and came to stand for the sound of the word they represented, rather than the meaning of the word.
Here's a photo of my first writing in the Lhenazi script:
And here's the same text, typed with the Lhenazi font: